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Relational Database Services

vMind's Relational Database Services is a reliable and flexible database service that provides solutions for businesses' complex data management needs. Built upon the world's leading Microsoft SQL database, vMind's Relational Database Services offer robust solutions tailored to meet the demands of businesses' data management requirements.

Relational Database Services Offerings

  • 1-SQL Health Check...
    vMind regularly monitors the health of your SQL databases. With the SQL Health Check service, it identifies performance issues within your databases and provides solutions to address these issues.
  • 2-Performance Optimization...
    vMind's Relational Database Services focus on optimizing the performance of your databases, ensuring efficient execution of your business processes.
  • 3-Maintenance Services...
    Regular maintenance of databases is critical for the security and integrity of businesses' data. vMind provides regular maintenance services as part of its Relational Database Services to keep your databases up-to-date and secure.
  • 4-SLA Services...
    vMind prioritizes customer satisfaction by offering Service Level Agreement (SLA) services. It takes responsibility for managing your databases according to the defined service levels and ensures a seamless user experience.
  • 5-Licensing and Consolidation...
    vMind provides customers with suitable licensing models and simplifies the database licensing process. Additionally, it assists in optimizing costs through licensing and consolidation strategies.

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